This year on September 9, 2022, we will come together to honor the life and memory of Danny Rizzo (1998 – 2017), a 2016 graduate of Lemont High School, who tragically died in an automobile crash on his way to The University of Iowa for college orientation. Danny lived a life of love and devotion towards his family, friends, teammates, and co-workers along with countless people whom he encountered along the way. He made a difference. We all can make a difference by committing to “Go The Extra Mile”.
Members of the fundraising committee are hosting the third annual Danny Rizzo Memorial “GO THE EXTRA MILE” event at Cog Hill Country Club, Lemont, IL on September 9, 2022. This year our fundraising efforts will contribute to future improvements of one of the most utilized ball fields, the "Miracle Field at the Lemont Park District". The vision of the future improvements is to provide a creative and adaptable space. With a universal design this multi-ability, multi-use game field will enable individuals, friends, and families to enjoy recreation, health, and outdoor wellness. An inclusive place beyond boundaries meeting a variety of needs and interests.
With the past generous support from so many, a beautiful fountain and gathering place at the Community Courtyard was constructed. We will also continue to award the $1000.00 Lemont High School scholarship to graduating seniors who plan on continuing their education or a trade at an accredited institution. We are excited to be a part of the "Miracle Field" improvements and look forward to enhancing the pathways of the community.
If you are unable to attend and would like to donate an item for the raffle or silent auction, please contact click the link below or contact us at:
We appreciate your thoughtfulness and contribution.
* Doors open: 6:30 pm
* Buffet , Open Bar, and DJ: 6:30 pm - 11:30 pm
* Live Band: “The Mix” - 8:30 pm - 11:30 pm
* Staggered Raffle Drawings: WINNER DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT
* Staggered Silent Auction: WINNERS MUST BE PRESENT
* Children 3 years old and under enter free
To purchase tickets using a major credit card, click the link below to be taken to our EventBrite link (fees will apply)
To purchase tickets via Zelle or check, click here and fill out the form to do so.
To make a monetary tax-deductible donation, please click on the link below.
To make a physical tax-deductible donation such as a product/service for raffles. please click below.